Thursday, August 04, 2005

The Kindest Cut

If you are going to cut, use a sharp knife.

Some people are so afraid of the truth and hurting other people, that having a discussion with them is like cutting your throat with a butter knife. They try to be nice and still tell you that you are stupid, or ugly, or should be out of their lives. You can always tell when the knife is going to cut. I think that you are really a nice person, but… What follows the “but” is the truth. Women are notorious for this approach for breaking up relationships with men. Hey Charlie, you are really a nice guy, but let’s just be friends. Every guy with half a brain knows that means he is lousy in bed. No wonder my male friends come to me whining: But, I don’t want to be a nice guy.

I am not blaming my girlfriends for not being turned on by nice guys. We all want a little bad boy in our lovers. We want something in our men that makes them uncontrollable and exciting. A well-trained husband can be a blessing when it comes to taking out the trash but a total bore on Saturday night.

I want a man with a wit as sharp as a well-honed dagger. There is nothing worse than a battle of wits with someone who is half-prepared. When Mark and I have our “discussions” I make sure my knife is sharp and I get the first cut. And, it had better be deadly and deep or I am in for a night of repartee that will be intense and passionate. Of course, that is probably why sometimes I just do the little pricks with the point so that the energy builds. Of course, if I really want to get him, the butter knife is actually the most annoying cut of all. Honey, you are really a good husband, but I have a headache.


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