Tuesday - An ordinary day

It was an ordinary day. But in my world, ordinary days usually turn out to be quite extraordinary. I decided to take a nap out in my goddess grove. It is so peaceful there and about 10 degrees cooler than the rest of my yard. It is surrounded by a bamboo grove, and is sheltered by an umbrella from nature in the form of a mock cherry tree. You can smell the honeysuckle and feel the energy of Mother Nature in this safe haven from the world and mundane reality.
I seemed to fall asleep yet I felt totally awake. I felt my body rising up toward the sky and yet when I turned and looked down I could see me nestled safe in my grove. I was on the flight of a lifetime.
I kept drifting higher and higher in this spiritual levitation. In the middle of my solar plexus I felt a warm glow of pink energy that began to expand until it was completely encircling the planet. I felt one with Mother Nature and all her creatures. I could not tell where the earth and I were separate. We were one pure energy form of love and light.
The energy was pulsating and alive. I could feel the circle, or perhaps globe is a better term, of energy expanding. I felt greater and greater connection with the sun and planets that surround and balance our planet. The expansion continued until I was in a state of infinite awareness. Slowly the pink energy mutated until all colors were a part of my being and I was alternately pulsating between black and white – between void and light.
Then the energy begins to collapse into me and I felt myself becoming smaller and smaller until I was so small as to be totally invisible. Through this whole process my mind continues to witness this true epiphany of infinity. I recognize that I have returned from my flight but I am now in the consciousness that is the subatomic reality of one of my brain cells. Then I expand again. I can feel my body arousing within the beauty and safety of my goddess grove.
Was this a flight of fancy – or a journey through multi-dimensional realities? You be the judge. I only know that on any ordinary day I can make the extraordinary my reality and travel through the dimensions of time and space by focusing on limitless possibilities.
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